The Rev. Heather Erickson
Associate Priest
Email Rev. Heather
The Rev. Heather Erickson
Associate Priest
Email Rev. Heather
While Rev. Heather looks forward to hearing your stories and learning what St. John’s means to you, here’s a bit of her story. She grew up in Southern California, and for as long as she can remember her family went to church together just about every Sunday. She credits the years spent at Campbell Hall (an Episcopal School in Los Angeles) and her devoted (and fun!) youth group leaders and clergy at All Saints’ in Beverly Hills with cultivating the seeds (planted by the Holy Spirit, of course) that eventually led Rev. Heather to seek ordination as a priest. Before moving to the Bay Area, she served at All Saints’ (before seminary as an Assistant to the Associate Priests and after seminary as an Associate Priest.) She also served as a Chaplain and Associate Priest at St. Margaret’s Church and School in San Juan Capistrano.
She has ventured out of California a few times – after college to experience life in the great city of New York, to attend Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, and to support her husband, when he was called to serve at St. John’s Cathedral in Jacksonville, Florida. It is good to experience life from a different perspective, but Rev. Heather happily admits she’s always felt most at home in California.
Rev. Heather has a lot of love for St. John’s and is so grateful to be back. A few years ago – not long after moving to San Francisco – she was looking for a church to call home when she first visited St. John’s, and she gratefully accepted the invitation to be part of the assisting clergy team. During that time Rev. Heather has served as the Interim Chaplain at St. Paul’s Episcopal School in Oakland. For the past two years she has been working as the Director of Senior Ministry and Outreach at Grace Cathedral.
She, her husband, and their two kids are a family of four. Husband, David, is also an Episcopal Priest and currently serves as the Rector of St. Mary the Virgin in SF. While they live in San Francisco, they also love Marin – our children attend school in Mill Valley. Gabriella is in fourth grade and Jonathan is in Kindergarten. Their latest pandemic adventure has been to foster a mama dog and her nine puppies. They are hoping that one of those puppies – Spots – will be a permanent addition to their family.
Rev. Heather wants you to also know that she takes joy in bright sunny days, yoga, and books.
We pray, worship and celebrate the Gospel responding to the needs of our communities while building relationships to support us on our journey of faith.
St. John’s is a spiritual home that welcomes all, loves and respects all, and serves all in Christ’s name.
Physical address:
14 Lagunitas Road at Shady Lane
Ross, CA 94957
Mailing address:
PO Box 217
Ross, CA 94957
(415) 456-1102